Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gator Huntin' Part 2- (Follow Up)

Next its on to the checking of the lines. Gator hunters will pull up to each of their lines to see if they have anything on the other end. Sometimes they can tell from afar if they have anything on the line due to the stirring of the waters or the shaking of a branch. In recruiting volunteers, the follow-up is crucial. It is important to go back to each of the lines and to see what is actually occurring. Don't assume that no response is a negative thing. I've definitely made this mistake before. They may simply be praying and thinking about the opportunity. The follow-up is a "win" either way as a youth pastor, as it almost always leads to a deep conversation about what is occurring in the life of the person we are recruiting. So don't be scared of rejection. Trust God in the process. If its a no, for whatever reason, its not the right timing or right fit. Gator hunters pass by many empty lines before they get to the big one. Same here. It's worth the rejection to wait for the right ones to come along.

So who do you need to follow-up with today and find a time to sit down and really talk about the possibility of serving? I've got a few people on my heart today that I've floated the idea of getting involved and I need to follow-up. Looking forward to seeing if anything is on the line.

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