Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gator Huntin' Part 3 (The Big One)

Every once in a while, gator hunters will stumble across signs that a big gator is in the vicinity. It may come in the form of popped lines, or broken tree branches. When this happens, the gator hunter becomes determined to track down the biggin'... no matter what. They usually assign a nickname to the wanted gator, names like T-rex, Tree Breaker, or Godzilla, and the hunt begins. Once the hunt is started, the gator hunter may spend days in order to track down the big one.

I was reminded of the youth ministry parallel today when it comes to recruiting. There are a few potential youth workers on my list that I have been talking to for years about coming on board. For whatever reason, God keeps bringing them to mind. Most of the time it is because I am convinced that youth ministry would be good for them. So right now I am huntin some big gators, ones I have been pursuing for a long time. Looks like finally a couple of them are gonna join us. Good reminder that God's timing is best and not to give up on the "big one". Pray. Trust. Ask. Pray. Repeat.

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