Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Alright. Here is the deal. I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. I know I need to write. It is a very therapeutic process for me personally. It forces me to reflect deeper and to work out the articulation of things I have been thinking about. So its definitely a good thing for me to blog, especially now being out of grad school for a year.

The hate part is simply the promotion of said thoughts. I don't want to be the guy schlepping his blog and always pointing others to look at my self proclaimed brilliance. It really comes down to this. I feel like some people out there, specifically youth workers, can relate to my struggles and random nuggets of goodness I happen to stumble across and therefore benefit from my ramblings. I can think of many blogs that do that for me. So I just got to suck it up and simply write. Mainly for me, and then if others benefit along the way, may God be glorified. I think I can live with that. So feel free to join me on the journey.

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